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The Method 

The Sacred Breath Method is a holistic, parasympathetic driven, and trauma informed breath, bringing the breather closer to the unconscious parts of self.  The intentional lineage of this breath moves with the beauty-way,  as every sacred breath becomes a summoning to reclaim ones most authentic self, to fully embody and empower into the most loving and fully-expressed self possible.  To walk in beauty, is to walk in holistic harmony with of all of life.  


The breath itself is a full circular breath, conscious and connected, breathing in through the nose, and exhaling out through the mouth.  We allow for ample time to integrate, rest, and return back to the here and now.   

Why Journey & Breath?

Breathwork Journeys can be a powerful and potent experience.  It's through our breath that we take in 90% of our energy, and 70% of our systems detoxification occurs.  Breathing in this method can assist in deeper sleep, and aid in optimal digestion.  This method also soothes and regulates the nervous system, and allows us to maximize and expand our lung capacity.  When working with this method, we can begin to experience higher states of consciousness, and move into a higher level of embodiment.  We can begin to destruct and delayer the density of tension created in the body from holding in our thoughts, emotions and feelings through the years.  With this breathwork, we can access our limbic brain, unlocking repressed memories, emotions, and bring them into the light of awareness for healing, resolution and integration.

How Can This Work Benefit Me?

- Open to and experience life through the heart center

- Create new neural pathways and experiential somatic safety 

- Find safety and presence within the physical body

- Experience deep somatic unwinding by activating the parasympathetic nervous system

- Regulate the nervous system

- Experience multifaceted healing of self on a physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual level

- Connect to the deeper source of intuition 

- Release emotional blockages and return to the feeling centers and emotional body

- Discover ones higher calling and purpose in the world

- Access repressed memories that are supportive towards one healing

- Experience catharsis and emotional release in a knowing that all parts of self are welcome without judgment

- Release physical tension and relax areas of constriction in the body

- Improve restrictive breathing patterns

- Experience imporovements in digestion and sleep 

- Expand one's awareness to multidimensional planes, and traverse to higher realms of consciousness 

- Tap into one’s inner inspiration and higher creative potential

- Harness a grounded and centered way of showing up and interacting with the world

- Overcome feelings of discouragement or stagnation

- Uncover imprints and/or wounds from birth, childhood or ancestral impacts 

- Transform the negative side effects repressed events buried deep in one’s unconscious

- Experience a greater connection to your own unique spiritual essence 

- Find support during a period of mourning or grieving

- Tap into emotional complexities associated with physical illness

- Experience and explore mystical and non-ordinary states of being 

- Connect to un-met love, peace, gratitude, compassion, joy, creativity, sensuality, passion or bliss

- Re-energize and reinvigorage the energetic body

- Move past moments of suspension and feeling stuck in life

- Experienc empowerment and reclaim your worth

- Find inner strength and capacity to support self and others

- Allow for soul retrieval and inner reclamation 

- Meet your most authentic self 

- Live a more meaningful and fulfilled  life 



Breathwork is not intended to replace pre-existing therapy or medical treatment.  No specific result is guaranteed.  Each breather experiences something unique for them in the moment.  Each journey shares something new, and is never exactly the same.  No person will experience the same impact or effect from journey to journey, or the journey of another.  This work moves individuals into the unique experiences that are for meant for them at the time.  

Is This Method For Me?

If you have any of the following conditions, this breathwork is not for you, as the work is contraindicated for the condition listed below.  Please do not register for a breathwork journey if you have of the follow: 


~ Pregnancy

~ Severe PSTD

~ On any medication that alters brain chemistry, anti-anxiety, anti-depressant, ADD, OCD medications, etc.

~ Detached retina

~ Glaucoma

~ Kidney disease

~ High blood pressure

~ Cardiovascular disease

~ Recent surgery or physical injury

~ Any infectious/contagious disease

~ Diagnosis of aneurysm in the brain or abdomen

~ Uncontrolled thyroid condition

~ Diabetes

~ Severe asthma

~ Epilepsy

~ History of seizures

~ Prior diagnosis of bipolar disorder or schizophrenia

~ Hospitalization for any psychiatric condition or emotional crisis within the last 10 years

~ Any other medical, psychiatric or physical conditions which would impair or affect your ability to engage in any activity that involves deep emotional or physical release.      

Let’s Work Together

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